Kayaking is a white water sport that takes place mainly on rivers with falls and rapids and at Kalagala – Jinja, you can’t just miss this out this sport, people seat in sharp pointed small boats, fearlessly awaiting to sail on these rapids, if you’re not participating, viewing them is also among the wonderful experiences not to be missed on a Jinja tour. However, for the sake of safety, this sport is only open to those that have trained and have got the required skills to face the rapids.
The Jinja Safari Tour is not very complete without the Nile River and the best way to experience this River is on the water its self. The Kayaking experience takes you away from engines and noise and with the use of human power; you experience the beauty and the thrill of the Six thousand, eight hundred and sixty three (6,863Km) long Nile River.
The grade five tandem Kayaking takes you to the hardest rapids having one of the challenging encounters in a single day. It can be attempted by everyone whether with little or no experience sitting in front of double seat kayaks provides you the power to maneuver through the waves. The guide in the back seat instructs you on when to invest more energy and steering to take you selves safely down the rapids. Experiencing gigantic wave chains, crashing white water and strong hydraulics is a moment that you and the guide have to join together to overcome successfully. Ending on the wrong side of the crashing wave and getting flipped by the water is not the time for the bath. Unlike rafting where one ends up in swimming on the rapids on his own after being flipped from the raft, the Kayak is fine in that if you can contain your breath for 3 – 5 seconds, the guide will definitely attempt to roll you back into right action.
After every rapid follows a mass of calm water which gives you a chance for the adrenaline to settle as you prepare for another hit. The calm water also offers a relaxed environment where you go to the rafts, regroup and share courageous stories with the entire fraternity. The relaxing moment also allows you to top up your sun screens.
The Nile River rapids are magnificent however; the prominent ones include the Nile Special and the Bad Place. The Bad place is one of the single biggest features that would definitely take your boat through running right, left or straight amidst the monstrous hole, it is something that puts your heart in a pumping mode.
The Nile Special which is the second prominent rapid is not a disappointment to encounter. It contains bot the Club wave and the Bell’s hole above not forgetting the Nile Special wave of which the rapid is named after. The Nile Special encounter still fresh in your mind, you mark the day end downstream coming across an open well stocked bar with cold drinks and delicious buffet awaiting to welcome you from the life time adventure.
The Tandem goes for 140 USD per person, which is worth a sped for the adventure.
The flat water Kayaking involves cruising to the source of the world’s longest river – the Nile preferably with a drink in your hand listening to the history of the Nile and its importance to the world. The birds in the shores and impressive calm waters offer ultimate memories for your kayak to the source of the Nile.
On this section of the River there are no crocodiles or Hippos but the counts of fish eagles, cormorants, kingfishers, and storks not forgetting weaver birds can never allow you to cruise alone.
Exploring the symbolic location that was sought for dating back to the ancient Roman times and though its European discovery made in 1858, the source of the Nile is still a site of wonder even in the contemporary world. The River supports counts of fishermen and around 160 million people are estimated to be living along its banks.
The white water Kayaking can be done on three forms namely; the introduction to white water kayaking, multi days white water kayaking, half day kayaking, free style coaching and Stand up paddle boarding.
Introduction to white water Kayaking: The one day introductory encounter on the Nile will definitely reward you with remarkable memories. The day is well structured to enable you learn the skills as they are being imparted by the skilled guides.
The encounter has two sessions namely the calm water introduction and the afternoon river trip. The experience involves learning about the boat control, getting out of the boat if need be along basic techniques and strokes. The provision to extend to hard areas is also there and learning all that you can is up to your discretion.
Half Day Whitewater Kayaking: The half day encounter can be done on a Jinja Day Tour Trip and takes you for a 7km river trip in a rewarding Kayak experience along with expert guidance. For the first time kayakers, you team up with the guide on the friendly sit on top kayak and they are safer as it is easier to get back them once one falls off.
Multi day kayaking course: The Multi-day Kayaking encounter depends on the amount of time available at your disposal. A weekend break or an entire five day break can be a fun filled learning experience. This provides for an extensive training experience.
All in all, The Kayak to the Source of the Nile Uganda can make a Jinja source of the Nile safari an amazing one as it goes beyond the birds and the fishermen as there other features worth exploring. The Gandhi monument, the famous fig tree standing above the submerged Owen falls and the opening to entire water mass of the gigantic Lake Victoria is by no means an ordinary experience. The encounter tend to start at lakeside Jinja Sailing Club impressive for taking a cup of coffee before the trip and a cake and ends at the Bourbon Bar and Grill.